Monday, February 12, 2007

Get Down With the Sickness

I woke up on Saturday with a mild fever and a sore throat. When I say woke up, I mean did a quick self-assessment, turned off the alarm clock, and proceeded to sleep until 3pm. I read a book and watched movies all day.

The process was repeated today, although I was feeling good enough towards the end of the day that I survived 90 minutes of ridiculously-easy on the trainer. Still not 100%.

My hero

The only real effect of this, other than a day off the bike, is a completely f'ed sleep schedule. I was working on waking up earlier and earlier last week, and now I'm up at 3am after about 11 hrs of sitting on a couch.

Unlike many of my fellow bike-gamers, I don't usually get sick. Even 48 hrs of sickness is way more than I usually get. Maybe I should've knocked on wood more often? Walked under fewer ladders? Whatever. I need to wake up tomorrow feeling good as new.

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