Monday, April 30, 2007

In the Style of Don

After 5 solid months of bloggage, a pattern has emerged. I don't think it's a bad pattern, nor is it a rut. I won't be changing my style any time soon. It's just as fun to self-criticize as it is to rip on my friends. So, here we go... my template:

"So", meandering preface obliquely related to the topic.

"Needless to say", something that doesn't need to be said.

Paragraph feigning introspection, but basically full of false modesty.


Awesome, Possibly Unrelated, Blatantly Plagiarized Photo

Inside joke only Phi Psis will get.

Build up.

Build up.

Momentum-killing (albeit amusing) aside.

Build up.

Anticlimactic punch line.


Cara said...

evidently you're thinking about it too much.

why not be like me and just create a billion in your head and not post any of them? it's pretty sweet. i give myself a silent, running commentary at every turn...

Hardtail For Life said...

So, you realized your posts are all the same? That's too bad. Nevertheless, keep it up.

Will said...


Inside joke only Phi Psis will get.

Build up.

Build up.

Momentum-killing (albeit amusing) aside.

Build up.

Anticlimactic punch line.

Sounds all too much like a one night stand with Don...
