Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Open Mic

Will invited me to join him and his colleague at an Open Mic night at the West End coffee shop. Being in New Brunswick, or rather being in not-Piscataway, West End is a haven for the tight black clothing, chain smoking, unemployed-but-Daddy-funded type. It is the quintessential college town coffee shop, and perfect as a getaway for the stressed out engineering grad.

The Open Mic performers were good. While my universe remains intact and my mind was left un-blown, the self-expression was refreshing. I found myself wanting to write. Words were floating and interconnecting in my busy little brain, and that can't even be attributed to caffeine - I was drinking a decaf Americano!

What's odd is that I wasn't thinking in verse. Usually, when inspired by some artistic medium, my thoughts immediately take the form of that medium. Last night, though, listening to original songs of the folksy acoustic genre, I was thinking in prose.

I blame that on the blog.

My thoughts all tended to the same theme: a counter-revolution, an acrid response to the self-pitying lamentations of the post-beatniks. Get a job, you hippies.

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