Thursday, March 13, 2008

Dizzy, Revisited

The following is the phase plane for three activations of a certain biological system (have to be careful here, don't want to be scooped). It's isn't immediately obvious why this phase plane behavior is so patterned, especially not over three trials. In fact, it was totally unreasonable to expect anything like this structure... and yet, here it is.

I knew I was onto something back in January, but I had no idea it would be so... so pretty? Have I reached the point where I look at variability, see underlying structure, and think "beautiful"? Cool.

edit: For my lay audience...
Notice how the 3 dots are sort of chasing each other, like dogs in a park. There is no reason to expect them to chase each other; in fact, we would expect them to mind their own business, or run around willy-nilly, or maybe even twitch a little. We definitely don't expect them to chase each other.

edit #2: For my engineery audience...
Sal asks, "so what's the take home message?" to which I respond "my thesis just got a whole lot more fun"


Sal said...

this amazing structure underlying the variance proves whatever process the animation is representing must be intelligently designed.

Mandy said...

you are such a nerd. but i love you. to no end.
-your big sister