Saturday, March 22, 2008

Well if you're bored then you're boring

Oh, Harvey Danger. Your ode to self-pleasure is as enjoyable as the more popular "Dancing With Myself" and "I Touch Myself", but also subtler. Well done, Harvey Danger.

No racing this weekend. Instead, lots of training. Today I rode to Princeton and back, about 65 miles, 2 hours of which was done with some gusto, technically speaking. So I'm a little sore. Tomorrow Jay #1 and I hit the trails at Chimney Rock, to see if I still remember how to ride the fat-tired beast I call Rhinoceros.

Tonight I hit the town with BeardedMegan. I have no idea what we're going to do, but it will likely involve drinking. Don't wait up... but leave the light on, because I might have trouble navigating the front porch.

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