Thursday, May 15, 2008

Noteworthy Sightings

Yesterday, I pit-stopped at a McDonalds. It occurs to me that I haven't seen a McDonald's PlayPlace in years, despite visits to a variety of fine McDonalds establishments throughout the Eastern United States.

The Indiana Mickey-D's at which I stopped contained the newest iteration of McDonald's attempt to let parents eat in peace... video games. There were two video game consoles set up in a corner of the restaurant. The parents get all the benefit of distracted, placated children, without any of the hassle of teaching an active, healthy lifestyle.

Hey, market forces drive decision making, right? Who am I to question the people?

In lighter news, check out this new graffiti from the pedestrian bridge over the Raritan River (just a few yards away from the swastikas).

Somebody spraypainted Dr. Gregory House, M.D.! Personally, I prefer Doug Ross, but House'll do.

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