Monday, March 16, 2009


During the two weeks of hiatus that have plagued this blog, I have been a busy little ninja. My research has progressed in leaps and bounds, I've raced my bike a half-dozen times, I've brought down the house at the ol' Karaoke bar... and I won't be writing about any of that. You've heard it all before, a thousand times over.

Instead, I will tell you about a little get-together I arranged, wherein a bunch of grad students of similar backgrounds got together to make traditional holiday cookies. And by "tell you about", I mean wimp out and post photos. At least they'll have captions.

It was messy work.

Very messy work.

Some got messier than others.

The cookies are customizable. Some are filled with apricot jam, some with raspberry.

And some are filled with liquid chocolate. Eat your hearts out.

Jay made a super-cookie, raspberry AND chocolate. And signed it.

For goodness' sake, Jay, don't sit down!

They were delicious.


Unknown said...


megA said...


i'd better get a free membership AND a sack of cookies or you're in trouble.

did you notice i said SACK

huh huh