Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Undecipherable 2

Sal was the first to solve the first Undecipherable. Unfortunately, he only got as far as "How much time did you waste?" and realized he was wasting his time. Will and Charlie also solved it, but they preferred to mock the post rather than participate. Screw you, Will and Charlie.

So here's the new one. It should be the last. Also, it may interest you to know that my lucky number is the number of Rutgers racers at Granogue.

The chief insists your innate prowess assisted his warfare in digital form. Swear, resting at ease, to attach by fealty to our army. Come to your niche, grow up among evils. I assume any aggrieved industry boldens here, or leads to ripping anger. Kin, mirth to us!

Seriously, man, airports are boring when you don't have a book.

Solution to Undecipherable #1:
Congratulations! You have cracked the code. How much time did you waste? The secret message is "Go read a book!" Be the first to post that message to the comments and win a prize. You have one week.


CaptainChaz said...

I'll buy you one if you finish in the top five this weekend!

Mark said...

you know what's boring? CSPAN. And this. And E! Entertainment TV on the plane.