Thursday, February 22, 2007

aaaaand, we're back.

I'm not sure how to explain this one. It seems silly in retrospect. I had a cold. The common cold. A rhinovirus. I'm young, I'm fit, I didn't walk around licking water fountains and doorknobs, and yet here I am, coughing up my lungs.

This common cold hit me like a ton of bricks. Monday did not exist for me. I pretty much slept from Sunday night to Tuesday morning. After a (rather gruff) doctor prescribed some expectorant Tuesday afternoon, I though I'd be better. And then I wound up on the floor, semi-conscious after a coughing-fit Wednesday morning.

So, I've been in a bed or on a couch until today. Somehow, I am also to blame for the illness of Will, Mark, and Jay. The latter two blame my blog for the contagion... I blame karaoke night. Which is why I'm not going this week.

I really really really don't like this feeling. I didn't mind all the coughing or the sore throat last week... since when am I susceptible to discomfort, anyway? But this sucks. It's just odd, going from riding just below Threshold forever to getting dizzy spells from coughing.

The much-anticipated weekend trip to Cleveland for Founder's Day is cancelled. The bicycle has been untouched since Sunday. I am weak as a kitten. I have a mountain of errands and looming deadlines.

But on the bright side, while convalescing, I came up with a couple of good blog posts, which will be appearing over the coming days.

1 comment:

Mark said...

Too bad you won't be here for Founders' Day. I'll wear spandex for you.