Wednesday, May 16, 2007


I wish it was the 60s
I wish we could be happy
I wish, I wish,
I wish that something would happen

My labwork has, of necessity, been drier than usual. It's okay, I guess. I'm plodding along. Still, it's got me looking for some outlets. Stupid, pointless, misanthropic outlets.

I kinda want to walk around the student center carrying a big box, maybe a toolbox or something. That way, when people bump into me, I can drop the box and shout "oh no! my souffle!".

Or maybe I can sneak into a urologist's office and put up photos of skyscrapers and swords. Or photos of caves for proctologists.

I want to sing Journey in the middle of bike races. Shit, I already do that.

Immature? Yes. Hilarious? I'd like to think so.

The floor is hereby opened to you, my dear reader. Join me in brainstorming completely inappropriate things to do. Loud noises in public places. Random statements to strangers, like "Don't look now, but is the giant unicorn still following me?" Any ideas?

While we're at it, who do you think would win in a fight to the death: an octopus or a zombie?


Andy said...

Go to a mall or any other crowded (preferably indoors) public place with at least one other person. Stand somewhere. Look up as if there is something really cool that you are looking at. Keep looking up. Occasionally proclaim "wow that is so cool" "do you see it?" and point up with your finger. Out of the corner of your eye, look how passer-bys look up even though you are looking up at NOTHING. Mob mentality makes me laugh. And an octopus would beat a zombie no sweat.

TheJenksster said...

Ninja >> Zombie > Octopus >= Andy.