Thursday, June 14, 2007

Pride cometh before the Stupid Idea

Keirin (noun, KEE rin): a bicycle race on a track, in which a half dozen riders follow a motorcycle at increasing speeds until it exits the track, after which the riders sprint. Insanely fast and dangerous. See, for example, the following video:

The Japanese love this race. They invented it, and it's their version of horse racing. Keirin gambling is a big-money industry there, with bazillions of yen changing hands every race.

When the Sega gaming system came out, it was probably inevitable that a video game based on the Keirin was created for the Japanese consumers. The unparalleled crappiness of this game was also unavoidable.

At least the soundtrack rocks.

My biggest problem with this game is that you can move through other riders like they weren't there. Okay, thats not true. My biggest problem is that they don't have this game on Playstation or Wii, 'cause I'd move into Jenks' apartment and play it 24-7.

I think I can fix it, though. I think I can make a verion of this game where the laws of physics are (mostly) followed, where the computer players ride like they have any idea how Keirins work. The graphics will suck, like Bomberman suck. Pong suck.

But I think I can do it.

I told Will as much, and he bet me I couldn't. In fact, he and Aaron have 3 pools going: When I will give up entirely, when I will "complete" a barely-functioning version, and what the frame rate of the final product will be. They don't think I can do it.

So now I have to do it.

1 comment:

TheJenksster said...

Not gonna happen.