Tuesday, July 17, 2007

How's Your Face? It's Killing Me!

Enough depth. Let's make fun of Rob's face.

Rob had a viral infection. He claims that it was of the airborne "common cold" variety, but I'm not counting out the possibility that it was an STD, because that would make the story that much funnier.

The virus spread. He got over the "cold" pretty fast, but the virus lingered. Its new home? The left trigeminal nerve, which is aka'ed as the nerve that makes the left side of your face work.

The left side of Rob's face stopped working. It lost sensation, and it lost motor control. He couldn't even blink or produce tears. Half of his face was paralyzed.

This is called "Bell's Pallsy", and it's also called hilarious.

A certain amount of time has to elapse before it's the sort of hilarious you can act on. Before that turning point, you have to be all "aw, poor Rob" and "aw, how's your face doing?" After a few weeks, though, you can be like "Dude. Awesome" and it will be funny, because your friend's face is impotent.

We are now well into the it's-okay-to-laugh period. And so, ladies and gentlemen, allow me to present to you: Rob and his Paralyzed Face

Before you call me a horrible person, don't worry, this is a temporary condition and Rob's back to normal now.


Mark said...

Finally, Rob has a chance again to be as good looking as me.

Meredith said...

oh man, that is terrible.....terribly funny. poor rob. heh

megA said...

hmmmmm viral? really?

did he get a lyme's disease test?

Unknown said...

dude. it's the facial nerve (CN VII), not the trigeminal (CN V). i did not lose sensation (which is trigemminal), i only lost motor control. i lost the ability to tear because parasympathetics to the tear and salivary glands come from the facial nerve. luckily i did not lose salivation, nor did i lose taste sense (also CN VII). and while it has been long enough that it's ok to laugh, i am most definitely not back to normal. i just started getting movement back, and in very small doses. for serious dude, who's the fact-checker for your blog? fire his/her ass! and shut your face! cuz i can't.