Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Coffee Review: Green Mountain Pumpkin Spice

The first sip summoned a flurry of tingling in my tastebuds, reminiscent of years past, when I would while away the lazy summer afternoons by making sewage angels and building last-week's-cheese forts. This nostalgia was quickly replaced by a new cornucopia of sensation, as the striking aftertaste introduced the sinus-clearing burn of a horseradish-and-beetle pie, just like Grandma used to make when my brother and I misbehaved.

At this point, the uncontrollable teardrops streaming down my cheeks had added a salty tinge to the coffee's flavor. While the new taste was mostly lost in the sea of despair that was the first sip, I knew that a second sip would clear the tears from my palette and ensure a fair assessment of the Pumpkin Spice coffee.

I took a second sip and swirled it around in my mouth. The Devil appeared before me, with demons at his side and a pitchfork made of swizzle-stick and then there was a ghost but it was a headless ghost and there were bats with spiral eyes and the floor heaved and curled about itself and the vortices knocked me up into the air where I fell suspended and felt nothing but the acid burn on my skin which had been ripped off and was hanging next to me on a rack in a dungeon in the thunderclouds ouijaboard soulless columbian dripping satanic zombie Stamos.

When I regained consciousness, I vowed to never again drink Green Mountain Pumpkin Spice coffee.

And neither should you.


TheJenksster said...

Next time, don't add so much LSD.

Justin said...

im drinking some right now.

come on... it aint THAT bad :)