Thursday, February 28, 2008

Common Sense

I was so excited to ride with Mark today. We were going to reconnoiter the crit and road courses for this weekend's race, and I was going to make sure I know how to handle my new bike (I'm pretty sure, but it's always nice to get some confirmation).

Mother Nature, it seems, had other ideas. 19 degrees (F), feels like 6, with winds gusting over 20 mph.

Cooler heads prevailed, and I'll be doing a trainer ride this evening. I remain disappointed, because the trainer is a cruel and boring mistress.

Every time I think of how cold it is, though, the disappointment wanes. This is the sort of cold that cuts through your gloves and socks, that bites at your face and brings your core temperature down now matter how many layers you wear. If I'd ridden today, I would've spent 30 minutes under a blanket with my hands in my armpits (or, if necessary, my crotch) trying to remember to breathe.

Good call, me and Mark.


Anonymous said...

Cooler heads prevailed?

I see what you did there.

Sal said...

19 degrees? I wish it was this warm here ...