Thursday, February 28, 2008

A Man's Creed

Penned by Anonymous, and first recited to me by Paul Wineman (about whom I can't say enough good things), this poem has been stuck in my head for years. Talking with Rob again brought it back to the surface, I guess.

A Man's Creed

Let me live, oh mighty master,
Such a life as men should know,
Tasting triumph and disaster,
Joy, but not too much of woe.
Let me run the gamut over,
Let me fight and love and laugh,
And when I'm beneath the clover,
Let this be my epitaph:

Here lies one who took his chances
In this busy world of men,
Battled luck and circumstances,
Fought and fell and fought again,
Won sometimes, but did no crowing,
Lost sometimes, but did not wail,
Took his beatings and kept going,
And never let his courage fail.

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