Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Mild Insomnia

With a whole lot of things on my mind - the majority of which are of mathematics beyond my grasp, and the remainder of which are not really blogworthy - I found myself zoning out in front of the TV. 100% zombie-fied. My guitar was a few yards away, but I couldn't drag myself over to play with it. The blog was in sore need of a post(something substantial, not this quasi-introspective double-speak), but I couldn't get myself to type. I am a couch potato tonight.

I'm tired, but it doesn't feel like bedtime yet. That is, I don't have that urge to crawl into bed. If anything, I find myself restless, bored, unsettled ... to borrow a phrase from that infamous sing-along, all I want to do tonight is take a midnight train going anywhere.

Finally it hit me. To easy my troubled mind, I need to self-medicate with good 80s music, with the kicking backbeats and primal screams that brought an end to the smooth music of the late 70s. I need to listen to a duet between Mr. Kenny Loggins and Sir Steve Perry.

Aaaah. Much better. Goodnight, sweet blogosphere.


Will said...

the blogosphere never sleeps and neither should you

*devil-eyed boy scurries back into his cave, hissing at Don and cursing the harsh light of the real world*

Michael Cody said...

Don you should try Zanex and wine, I hear its good for sleeping.

megA said...

to sleep perchance to dream
ay, that's the rub
to dream of bikes
and wheels spinning on golden hubs

missed you in PA, jerky

Mandy said...

try watching 30 rock episodes online. they are awesome. and inspire you to dream of corporate glory when liz lemon can be your underling.