Tuesday, May 27, 2008


I just spent a half hour hanging out with my friend Kim and her daughter Ava. Ava is 2 weeks old... can you imagine the cuteness? It was overwhelming.

The first thing Kim did after sitting at my table was to remove Ava from her carrier and put her in my arms. This was fortunate, because I probably wouldn't have asked to hold her. As I told Kim, I'm not afraid of babies; it's the overprotective mothers that terrify me.

Kim is very cool, though, and she had no compunctions about putting that tiny ball of humanity into my arms. She immediately fell asleep (Ava, not Kim), and also I think she pooped a little.

That girl has a kung fu grip, tiny hands and all.

Her proud, and somewhat tired, mother says that Ava is actually quite strong, and that if you hold her up, she "pedals her feet like she's riding a bike". Having volunteered to babysit, I plan on making use of our time together to teach her the fundamentals of road racing tactics, or at least how to say "cyclocross".

World Champion (discipline TBD), 2033


josh said...

discipline tbd...are you kidding? CX of course !

Meredith said...

positively adorable