Monday, July 09, 2007


Damn it feels good to be a gangsta. I've been bashing my head into a wall (figuratively, of course... I'm way too much of a wimp to do that for reals) for a few days now, trying to automate a process in my software. None of the variable sizes matched, none of the matrices were simple nx1's, and I needed to nest a bunch of loops.

Translation: COMPLICATED. I'm normally pretty good at picturing my matrices as spatial objects... it's probably one of the only reasons I've been able to keep my head above water as an engineer. These bastards, though, were 116x23x3 (and some were 115x20x3, and some were 117x22x3, etc) and they needed to be reshaped to 100x1x3.

So not only did I need to reshape the matrices, the process needed to be completely automated to handle the different matrix sizes. Another layer of complexity in an already complex process.

Oh, and by the way, the 20 to 1 reduction of dimensionality isn't necessarily a simple ensemble-averaging. So that'll be fun to play with.

Long story short: after hours of staring at the monitor, wondering why the code wasn't working, I WIN!

edit: I know, I know, that this is unnecessarily jargony. Nobody cares about the technicalities inherent in this level of detail. Still, this is one of those things...

You know what, I've written about this before. This software, these few dozen lines of code, they're but a drop in the bucket of the overall project, and the final writeup won't even mention the work I've put in. Writing about it now, even if just on my blog, was a little therapeutic. Oh well. At least it wasn't as bad as Will's post.


TheJenksster said...

Pffft, cakewalk.

Talk to me when you have matrices requiring hard drive caching because your objects don't fit in 2GB of memory.

Meredith said...


Will said...

ahh yes, Jenks is telling his old story of that time he simulated a simple, self-avoiding random walk in an isotropic cube.

I've simulated more using only my genitalia, Jenks (it is a little known fact that each testicle houses 2GB DDR2 667 MHz sperm-based logic registers, while my penis is a 6 teraflop, quad-core processor with pipelining and dynamic urine control)

I guess you can I've been know to reshape a few matrices in my day. And by "reshape a few matrices" I mean "have a giant wang"

Mark said...
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Mark said...

typo anyway, In addition to tagging these posts "science," please tag them "Mark, skip this." It will significantly improve the readability, and insulate me from knowledge. Appreciated.