Sunday, July 08, 2007

I am officially Flantastic

Since I was at a conference for my birthday, the celebration of the anniversary of that momentous day had to be postponed until July. July! Honestly, who would even want to be born in July? You've got to compete with the 4th of July for attention. For that matter, pretty much every other month has holidays to distract from the potential awesomeness of a birthday... Halloween, Christmas, Cinco de Mayo, to name a few.

June, on the other hand, is the ultimate month vis a vis birthdays. What do I have to contend with? D-Day? Summer Solstice? Bah!

Fortunately, my friends are great, and they would not be deterred by the July-ness of my party. We met up at Harvest Moon for Karaoke, and the rest is history... nebulous, uncertain history, but fortunately there was a camera.

(I would like to take this opportunity to request that everyone related to me, by blood or marriage, stop reading this post. While this request is certainly futile, maybe it will help if I give you a link to click on? Please go play sudoku)

The Karaoke:
The reincarnation of Mr. Roboto by the World Champions

Mike, Jay, and I rock out

Will has a black belt in Karaoke Kwon Do

Rocking out with Erik aka Milky Manchester

The Culprits:
Megan tried to kill me. Observe the Car Bombs...
tastier than an IED, but just as deadly

Rob and Laura

Jay, Dan, and Jen

Adam surprised me with a Boilermaker

Rutger the Bouncer... didn't actually buy me any drinks,
but he saved me from a beating a few months ago...
and that's another story for another time

Dr. Mel, of Dental Hygiene fame

I believe Jay bought this round

The Progression:
Started the night as a Rockstar

Things started getting hazy

I'm not sure what the story is here.
I just wanted this photo to be public

Then things got REALLY bad

I would've written this post chronologically, with some sort of explanatory narrative, but let's not kid ourselves... there are just too many holes in my memory. There are also a lot of photographs I didn't post because I couldn't help but wonder "when did this happen?" and "who is this person?"

The biggest mystery, though, is why I woke up next to a pineapple.

(I didn't actually wake up next to a pineapple)


Mark said...

The "Car Bomb" bartender looks completely uninterested. You, meanwhile, are treating the camera like it's Tom Green's microphone covered in poo. "Must get head as far away as possible!"

ntw said...

two words: Hermes green