Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Kobe Stone

The following post is not exactly vegetarian-friendly. Avert your eyes, you tasters of tofu, you connoisseurs of curd, you lovers of legume (I could go on)...

The Noodle House, on Rt 1 South in North Bruswick, is pretty good as far as restaurants are concerned. They're going for an air of classiness that one wouldn't normally find at a strip-mall restaurant near a cineplex, but their food is rather good.

I ordered the Kobe Stone Lamb. What the flip is a Kobe Stone, you ask?

Ta da!!!

They give you a heater, on top of which sits a stone, on top of which you put raw meat and cook to your liking. You can flavor with their dipping sauce (of which I'm not really a huge fan) as much or as little as you please.

This basically boils down to playing with your food. Yes. I am a fan.

It will come as no surprise to anyone who's seen me cook that I did indeed burn my fingers with almost compulsive frequency.

In summary:
Would dine again!!

1 comment:

josh said...

we went to something similar in Italy. Far more classy, and instead of a fire and rock, you just got a hot rock with each course. It was square and flat, with a wooden holder. It was pretty amazing though.